

Valentín Sanz

Show Art

1951, Havana, Cuba.

Seminarian, former set designer for the Cuban Film Institute, photojournalist of papal visits, parish priest in the hills of Baracoa, prison chaplain, theologian and globetrotter, Sanz, above all, is a humanist.

The human being is the main subject in his photographic work that begins in the distant 70s. Due to his discretionary gaze, he focuses especially on people of humble and simple condition. Peasants, workers, the elderly, children, poor and vulnerable people.

His works have been published in the Granma and Bastión newspapers; as in the Bohemia and Opus Habana magazines; and in books circulated in the country and abroad.

They treasure his work, La Fototeca de Cuba and the National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba.

Lives and Works in Havana, Cuba.

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