

Eduardo Rubén García

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1958, Havana, Cuba.

Cuban sculptor, engraver and painter.

Graduated from Architecture in Havana in 1982. From an early age he had a penchant for the arts in general. It is considered an important pillar within the visual arts of the 80s. In its artistic poetics, a close relationship with the city that it mentally constructs is observed, a space of silence and meditation that levitates over the daily bustle. Reminiscences of his time through hyperrealism and geometric abstraction coexist in its architectural spaces.

Among its most important awards we must mention the Prize in Painting of the March 13 Competition in 1981 and that of the National Salon of Plastic Arts of the UNEAC, in 1990.

The artist's works can be seen in the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Lives and works in Havana, Cuba.

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