

  • Artists in Drawings
Uz4869 L
Manuel Vidal. Ink/Paper, 21.5 x 16 cm

$ 200

Uz3802 L
Manuel Vidal. Ink/Paper, 21.5 x 16 cm

$ 200

Uz1814 L
Manuel Vidal. Ink/Paper, 21.5 x 16 cm

$ 200

Ot3035 L
Israel León Viera. Oil/Cardboard, 74 x 55 cm, 1985

$ 1000

Nf1909 L
Israel León Viera. Mixed/Cardboard, 74 x 55 cm, 1985

$ 1000

Ad8921 L
Israel León Viera. Mixed/Cardboard, 74 x 55 cm, 1985

$ 1000

Ta6286 L
Israel León Viera. Mixed/Cardboard, 74 x 55 cm, 1985

$ 1000

Uz1829 L
Fayad Jamís. Mixed/Paper, 29 x 21.5 cm, 1970's

$ 200

Abstract art [8] Conceptual [8]
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