

Carlos Alfonzo Espina

Show Art

1950, Havana, Cuba / 1991 Miami, USA

Outstanding Cuban painter. After his death, his work, especially his paintings, attained a high market value.

He studied at the San Alejandro National School of Plastic Arts in Havana from 1969 to 1973, and Art History at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Havana from 1974 to 1977.

Among his most important recognitions, it is worth mentioning the Prize in Painting, IV Salón Juvenil de Artes Plásticas Habana 74, in 1974; the Mention in Painting, V National Youth Salon of Plastic Arts, National Museum of Fine Arts in 1975; and the Prize in Visual Arts, at the Winston Salem Center for Contemporary Art, in North Carolina, USA.

The Museum of Fine Arts in Havana collects the artist's work, and important private and institutional collections abroad treasure his work.

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