

Zayda del Río

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1954, Villa Clara, Cuba.

Painter, draftswoman, engraver and poet.

She began her artistic studies at the Provincial School of Art of Cienfuegos in 1960. In 1971, she entered the National School of Art, in Havana, until 1974. There she received classes from prestigious artists such as Tomás Sánchez, Luis Miguel Valdés, Nelson Domínguez , Ernesto García Peña, López Oliva, among many others.

From 1982 to 1987, she studied at the Higher Institute of Art. She also graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Paris.

Various periods are recognized in Zaida's painting. First came the fields, then came the horses, then the circus, the women birds. Then came the triptychs about the Afro-Cuban religion, later the peacocks and finally the cosmic dance moved by the oriental culture.

Her prolific artistic work has included the illustration of magazines, records and books, as well as wall decorations in Cuba and abroad.

Among her most important awards, we can mention the Prize, drawing at the National Salon of Plastic Arts, UNEAC 79; Lithography Prize, Engraving Meeting / 83 and 84; and Painting Prize, Tenri Biennial, Japan, in 1997.

The Museum of Fine Arts in Havana treasures some of the artist's works.

Lives and works in Havana.

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