

Arturo Montoto

Show Art

1953, Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Painter, Engraver, Sculptor, Writer and Photographer.

He began his studies at the Pinar del Río School of Art between 1968 and 1972. From 1973 to 1977 he studied at the National School of Art, where he received advice, teachings and experiences from teachers. In 1977 he passed through the Higher Institute of Art of Havana and after graduating, in 1978 he obtained a scholarship to study at the VI Súrikov State Institute of Arts in Moscow, where he obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree in the specialty of Mural Painting .

From 1986 to 1993 he was Professor of the Higher Institute of Art of Havana as Head of the Painting Chair. He has taught several theoretical-practical courses of his own to professional artists in Chile and in 2002 he was invited to a residency at the University of Maine at Augusta in the USA.

He has also worked on sculpture and photography, making some exhibitions on the latter where he has been worthy of several awards. He has published texts and translations on topics related to art theory in magazines such as Dédalo and the Gaceta de Cuba.

Lives and works in Havana, Cuba.

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